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Post #12

Now that my group has decided on common fonts for our cover page, I was able to design my final cover page. Using the picture I chose and the puffs, headline, etc I created on my cover page sketch, I created my supposed to be final magazine cover.

However, while adding the puffs, etc to my picture, I encountered a number of problems. The biggest problems was with my headline and strap line. In the last post, our group decided to have the head line and strap lie black. However, The area I wanted to put my headline and strap line is was shaded, making it harder to see what it said. I couldn't move it to the bottom right, either, because it covered the Pacsun bag. Another problem was the fact that my model and props were so close to the frame, that I felt that there was not enough room to put my puffs and masthead in. I wanted them both to be bigger, but I could not make them as big as I wanted with the space I had with this photo. No matter how much I rearranged the puffs, mast head, slogan, and headline and strap line, either the formatting didn't look right or there was just not enough room. I think I am going to have to select a different photo for my cover page.
