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Post #9

Yesterday I took pictures for my cover page and main article at my group mate Remy's house. It was a great day to take pictures because it was cool outside and the skies were clear. We got together some shopping bags and clothing, dressed my model, Alexa, up, and went out to take some pictures.


These are the photos I took that are intended to be for the cover page. While taking these photos, I wanted Alexa to have a serious expression to emphasize that fast fashion isn't a good thing, and also to make the reader curious as to why she is so serious. While all the clothing in the photo shoot were name brand, it was hard to tell what brands they were, so I decided to incorporate some popular teen shopping bags. This helped emphasize that the clothes featured are from popular teen stores and may also help draw in potential readers. At first, I wanted Alexa to be wearing name brand clothing, but I realized that having her wear name brand clothing would provide a direct correlation to her supporting the fast fashion industry, so I made her wear a plain tee shirt. As for the setting, we tried to have it in different locations to be able to see what location was the best, but a big problem was lighting. It was hard to get the shadowy but still clear lighting I wanted because of where the sun was positioned during the time of the photo shoot. However, I think I managed to get some good shots. 

Personally, I think I'm going to use the last picture as my cover picture. I think that the framing is good enough to where I can visually see where I plan on putting my headline, sweet spot, etc. I also like how the model is looking away from the camera in that shot while a shadow is party covers her face. This provides a luring mode of address by making the model seem mysterious.
