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Showing posts from October, 2019

Post #4

Today my group decided on our masthead name. Considering that our magazine is a teen magazine focused on fashion, we had to have a name that would have a cool sound to it. After thinking of possible names, I decided to chose the name "Impact." for it because i felt that our magazine had the power to "Impact." our audience significantly. Sadly, I soon found out that that name was taken by another magazine... We soon found out that there was a big problem; finding a good magazine name that wasn't already taken. After spending aproximately thirty minutes searching for titles that weren't already taken, my friend, Remy, came up with the name Off-The-Rack Magazine. We thought that the name was fitting because our magazine is based off of fashion, which is displayed on racks. Additionally, when you take something off the rack, it means that you like it, conveying the idea that our potential audience will love our magazines. I thought that having the title

Post #3

After looking at popular teen magazines I decided to look at popular environmental magazines to help incorporate both genres into my magazine cover's edition. Here are some covers I found... One common theme among environmental magazines talking specifically about environmental issues is that the anchorage is often really intense. The model is often staring at or away the reader with a serious, almost concerning look on their face. The model's expression often ties into the headline and strap line to deliver the idea that the content it very serious and dangerous. The colors that are used the most in the magazines i saw were green, blue and red. The greens and blues often represent the colors of the environment, and the reds are used to grab the readers attention in puffs, masthead, and headlines and to represent danger.

Post #2

When creating a cover for our magazine, we had to keep in mind of it's intended audience; teens. To get a general idea of the conventions in the average teen magazine, we decided to browse through some popular magazine brand colors. Here are some of the magazine covers that we came across... It is clear that most teen magazines have bold mast heads, puffs, and buzzwords. When using buzzwords, they are either really positive or really negative. In the fourth magazine, the buzzwords "prettiest" or "craziest" can be found, and each of them have a font that makes them stand out from the rest of the puff. Teen fashion magazines also tend to contain bright, eye-catching colors, such as neon pink or electric blue, in the texts or in the background. Many teen magazines feature famous teens or adults that teens look up to. For example, Sabrina Carpenter (first magazine) is a well-known actor on Disney Channel, which is a channel teens tend to watch. The models ar

Post #1

Hi, my name is Alessandra Watkins and I will be documenting my journey in creating my very own magazine. I will be working in a group with my friends Remy, Derrick, and Cameron. After discussing different topics, we decided to base our magazines off of teen fashion because we are all teens and have had exposure to them. Additionally, we believe that teen fashion has a major interest to teens of today, which will help our physical magazine thrive in a currently dying industry. I specifically will be talking about the environment and the effects teen fashion has on it because climate change is a serious problem of today and the fashion industry is a big contributor to it. Teens need to be educated on this issue to help them make better choices when purchasing from fashion companies, which eventually may lead to companies switching to more sustainable business practices.