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Post #4

Today my group decided on our masthead name. Considering that our magazine is a teen magazine focused on fashion, we had to have a name that would have a cool sound to it. After thinking of possible names, I decided to chose the name "Impact." for it because i felt that our magazine had the power to "Impact." our audience significantly.

Sadly, I soon found out that that name was taken by another magazine...

We soon found out that there was a big problem; finding a good magazine name that wasn't already taken. After spending aproximately thirty minutes searching for titles that weren't already taken, my friend, Remy, came up with the name Off-The-Rack Magazine. We thought that the name was fitting because our magazine is based off of fashion, which is displayed on racks. Additionally, when you take something off the rack, it means that you like it, conveying the idea that our potential audience will love our magazines.

I thought that having the title as "Off-The-Rack" would be too long, so we decided to abbreviate it to "O-T-R" with the written our version displayed underneath in a smaller font size.
