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Post #6

My friend Remy and I plan on taking photos this Sunday for both of our magazines. However, that is five days from now. Today I decided to draw out a plan for what my magazine cover will look like...

I plan on having my mast head at the top of the magazine, with my model directly below it. My model will be wearing trendy clothing with recognizable brands on them, such as Hollister or Tommy Hilfiger. The model will be holding an article of clothing in each hand, both of them also being name brand, over a trash can. I would prefer than my model is a girl because girls tend to go shopping for clothes more, but if I can't find a girl model I would be fine with a guy.

My headline will have something to do with fast fashion, but I'm not sure what it will specifically say yet. Here are some possible headline and strapline combo ideas for my magazine...

1) The Hidden Cost of Fashion
     And It's Hidden Effects On You

2) The Fast Effect of Fast Fashion
     It's Quicker Than You Think

3) The Terrible Trend of Today: Fast Fashion
    Staring Your Wardrobe

Personally, I like the third one the best, but I'm still experimenting with headlines and strap lines. As for cover lines, I would like to have three. In my cover page, I hope to incorporate a lot of green into it to help convey the message that this magazine is about the environment, but at the same time, I also want to incorporate pops of color that will draw my intended teenage audience in. I'm thinking about making my main background for the photo shoot either in the environment or in a mall or clothing store, with additional pops of colors in the buzzwords featured in my puffs. Tomorrow, I'm going to draw out some cover ideas to get a sense of what magazine cover would best suit my magazine.
