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Post #29

The final part of the final part of creating this magazine was to put together the fourth page. I decided to put my article title at the top of my page in the font Abril Fatface because the same font was used to describe the same article in the headline on the magazine cover. To add a little pop of color, I went along with the same idea used on my third page and put the title over a green rectangle for contrast. For my article text, I decided to divide the text into two columns with a divider in between them, as three or more would leave little space for even a couple of words. The font I used for the text was Kollektif because it matches the text I used in the table of contents. I keep trying to use the same group of fonts so that my magazine does not look all over the place.

When placing the article text from my previous blog into my article on Canva, I encountered something I was expecting, my article was too long. I first decided to remove the section in the article about Nike and their transparency, but the article still was way too long to fit onto one page. I put everything I wanted to into the article already, and I did not want to get rid of anything else from it because I planned it out already. So, rather than taking away even more text, I made the article two pages instead of one. As for the picture and caption, I put it after the second to last paragraph because the second to last paragraph talks about the effects of fast fashion on the environment, so that when the audience sees that pile of clothes, they will see it differently.

Some final changes I made to the article was that I made both columns 3.8 wide. I also added "~Alessandra Watkins" after the end of the article because I was the author. I put the text in the font Abril Fatface to connect it to the title of the article. I also added the page numbers to both articles, keeping in mind of what the article's page number was on the table of contents.
